Leith Free Church is a bit like a growing and expanding family. We have people of all ages and stages in life coming along, including many families and, over the last few years, a small but vibrant student group who are actively involved in the life of the congregation.

You’ll also find the people who come along are from very different backgrounds which represents the diverse nature of the society that we seek to minister to in the name of Jesus Christ.

We meet every Sunday for worship at 11am and 6.30pm and on a Wednesday at 7.30pm. Our services place a strong emphasis on preaching and teaching from the Bible so that we know how to become and to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We have a number of meetings for prayer also because we believe that prayer is essentially important to our lives as Christians.

Our student group meets in homes every Sunday night at 8.30pm to talk about and discuss what the Bible says about the issues of life that we all face every day. We also have invited speakers coming along from time to time. And of course there is always food to be had!!!

As well as monthly Men’s and Women’s meetings we have an outreach free lunch every Friday and a drop in café on a Monday. Through these we have been able to get to know many people in the area. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to come along to help or just to be there and meet the people we’re trying to reach for Christ.

In Leith Free Church we try to look out for and after one another and those who need to know about Jesus. Come along and be a part of our family!!

  • Weekly Prayer Meeting
  • Sunday School
  • Youth Groups
  • University & College Students
  • Christianity Explored Courses
  • Discipleship Explored Courses

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Wednesday 7:30 pm Prayer & Bible Study

Monthly Activities and Events

Day Time Activity  
First Saturday 9:30 am Prayer Breakfast
  • Leaders:

  • Congregation size:


Origin Scotland